
Hi! I’m Mary.

I'm a speaker, certified health coach, consultant, and professional do-gooder. In my practice, I use techniques based on the principles of Positive Psychology to help my clients build confidence, gain self-acceptance, and transform their relationship with themselves and the world around them. At the heart of my work is teaching people how small changes in their thoughts, habits, and behavior can bring about extraordinary things.  

My background is in the nonprofit sector--specifically in health and human services organizations where I've focused on volunteer leadership, patient advocacy, and training. Motivated by intellectual curiosity, a desire to support others, and the need to overcome my own health crisis, I enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s (IIN) Nutritional Health Coaching program, became board-certified, and then immediately enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania's Applied Positive Psychology program. This decision changed my life and not only do I get to do something I love every day, but I’ve also discovered how to prioritize joy and create the happy, healthy life I deserve. 

Quick Facts

My Approach.  Positive Psychology is based on the idea that building on our strengths is often a more effective path to success than trying to force ourselves to be great in areas we are simply not suited for. In practice, this involves identifying one’s strengths and working to provide yourself with more opportunities to use them. We’ll ‘build what’s strong’ rather than ‘fix what’s wrong’. (Seligman, 2006)
More Joy.  Life is messy and complicated, and we don’t often get to choose our circumstances. But the beautiful thing about life is that we have agency, and we can choose how we react and respond to the messy and complicated and sometimes painful things that happen to us. We all deserve happiness and when we learn how to take a step back and shift our perspective a little bit, we’ll see more opportunities for joy.
Cultural Humility. Your lived experience is rich and complicated and in my practice, I am committed to stepping beyond my own frame of reference and learning from you. You are the expert of you, and I will be your partner in this process of healing. I am a member of the Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDH) and I'm committed to providing Health At Every Size (HAES)-affirming care, being anti-racist, and I am Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) and Safe Zone trained.
Soul-centered Self-care. You can’t pour from an empty cup. To show up for others, you need to be there for yourself. I know, you’re rolling your eyes. Who has time? But self-care just means giving yourself a little bit of love. It can be something as simple as going to bed a half hour early, eating a good meal, or even taking a few minutes to listen to your favorite song. Find a little joy in every day. You deserve it.

Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do. -Brené Brown