

  • Silver Linings: Rewiring Your Brain for Optimism

    • a five-part course in learned optimism and resiliency

  • What’s Your Why?

    • a four-part course in discovering your purpose to find greater fulfillment, both professionally and personally


  • Leading with Emotional Intelligence

  • Embracing Conflict and Leaning into Difficult Conversations

  • Trauma Informed Care

  • Conscious Inclusion: Tackling Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

  • Extinquishing Burnout

  • The Art of Listening: Tools for Effective Communication

  • Cultivating Trust: Psychological Safety in the Workplace

  • Empathy in Action: Building Trust in Person-Centered Care

  • Championing Care: Patient Advocacy Essentials

  • Caring for the Caregiver: Strategies for Self Care and Resilience

to Nov 6

Intuitive Eating Group

Look, diets don’t work. There’s a growing body of evidence that shows us that diets fail 95% of the time. Diet culture sets unrealistic expectations (spoiler alert: most of us are not ever going to have a perfectly flat tummy or a “thigh gap” without surgical intervention), it encourages us to compare ourselves to others, and leads many of us down the destructive path of yo-yo dieting, poor self-image and disordered eating.

What if I told you it was possible to break up with diet culture and tap back into your innate ability to listen to your body and normalize your relationship with food? You can learn to improve your health without focusing on weight loss.

Using the framework of body neutrality, this group program follows the principles of Intuitive Eating. You’ll join a community of others who are ready to make peace with food and shatter the perception that our bodies are supposed to look a certain way. Through our work together, we will get you on the path to better health while accepting your body and trusting yourself around food.

Eight Group coaching sessions will be conducted via Zoom. Cost of the program is $350 which includes access to a private Facebook group, email support between sessions and 1-on-1 calls to check in before and after the group closes. You’ll also receive a special gift because you’re awesome and deserve presents.

The next group starts Saturday, August 14th. Are you ready to get started? Sign up now!

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